Work, Compete, Win! Let the Team Games Begin!



The Team Games in the Work module have officially started! Over the next week, teams will compete for valuable rewards, including the Millionaire Drink VII, XP Drink VII, and much more!


  • How can you win prizes during the Games?

  • What other surprises await us in FootballTeam over the coming days?


Let’s dive into the details!




⚽ The Team Games will run from 01/27 to the maintenance break on 02/02 (7 days).

⚽ The top 10 teams that earn the most Euros during the competition will receive prizes such as 100,000 Golden Balls, 3x XP Drink VI, and many other rewards detailed in the graphic below. All items in the general rewards are locked.




⚽ The team that earns the most Euros in the Work module will claim victory in the Team Games. In addition to the rewards mentioned above, every player on the winning team will receive special rewards:

🔹Millionaire Drink VII 

🔹XP Drink VII


⚽ Rewards will be distributed within 7 days after the Games conclude.



Need an Energy boost or an extra edge to enhance your chances during the Games? Visit the Shop and explore the latest Special Bundles to outpace the competition! These bundles include:


  • Drinks: Millionaire Drink V, XP Drink VI and VII, Provident Drink V 

  • Packs: Bull and Younger

  • Energy


The bundles will be available from Monday (27/01 at 10:00 UTC+1) through Sunday (2/02 at 23:50 server time).





Throughout the Team Games, three well-known event features will be available:


  • Caged Cards – At the start of the match, 3 cards are sent to "jail," making them unusable in duels. The selection is random and not based on OVR or card tier.

  • Training – Train four skills simultaneously with auto-training.

  • Work Energy cost x3, Euro rewards x3.




A reminder: the new and improved Energetic Pack is now available in FootballTeam! It offers:


  • A higher chance of drawing attractive amounts of Energy.

  • More excitement when opening bundles!




Best Regards,

FootballTeam Crew ⚽

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1 month ago
1 month ago
como ganhar alguma COISA
1 month ago
para verirsen bende sana ödül veririm modu aktif edilmiş artık.. oyunu hakkıyla oynayanlar yine elleri boş şekilde çabalamaya devam edecek.
1 month ago
Oyun para yatırmadan hiçbirşey yapılmayacak hale geldi nerdeyse
1 month ago
Hello, The only positive thing about all of this is the energy packs. But generally speaking, new players stand no chance in such events, and I’m not talking about individuals here, but rather looking at the majority of players who don’t spend huge amounts of $$$ on daily bundles. There are so many ways to create an event where spending money isn’t the only thing that matters. Card battles should have an OVR-based ranking system in matchmaking. The Weekly Player Training Leaderboard should be divided into brackets like 0–1000 OVR, 1001–..., and so on. I think it was like this back in Season 8. I don’t need to explain what the effects would be of introducing such rankings, where new players can feel the same motivation as top $$$ players, right? XD I could list even more, but I should be getting paid for such simple ideas, XD. Best regards!
1 month ago
Witam, Jedyny + tego wszystkiego to są paczki energetyczne. no, a tak ogólnie to nowy gracz nie ma podjazdu w takich eventach i nie mówię tu osobie tylko patrząc na większość graczy, którzy nie ładują takich ilości $$$ w pakiety dziennie. Jest tyle możliwości zrobienia eventu gdzie nie tylko wydawanie hajsu się liczy. Walki na karty to powinny mieć ranking ovr w matchmakingu.. Top Tygodnia Treningu Graczy powinno być 0-1000 ovr, 1001 - ... i tak dalej. Tak było bodajże na s8. Nie muszę chyba tłumaczyć wam, jakie są efekty wprowadzania kolejnych rankingów, gdzie nowi gracze mogą poczuć tą samą chęć co topowi gracz $$$ XD I tak mogę dużo więcej wymieniać ale za tak proste pomysły to należy mi się zapłata XD Pozdrawiam
1 month ago
Mądrze prawisz.
1 month ago
"gdzie nowi gracze mogą poczuć tą samą chęć co topowi gracz $$$" tak tylko co ich obchodzą nowi gracze xd najważniejsze żeby topka dalej wrzucała siano
1 month ago
musisz bardziej otworzyć głowę to zrozumiesz o co mi chodziło.
1 month ago
Dobrze mówisz. Serwer nawet podoba , ale to nie ma wspólnego nic z classic. Prawdziwy klasyczny serwer był taki, że bez $ jak mądrze się organizowało swoją grę dało się grać. Tutaj dwa kluby mogą coś tam pograć, reszta jest tak w tyle jakby porównać silvera z vs go do globala:)
1 month ago
Jail system najgorszy tryb grania pojedynków na karty. Pakiety słabe…
1 month ago
1 month ago Join for free energy and energetic packs
1 month ago
1 month ago

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