
Hi, welcome to the July Q&A!

In this series, we discuss planned and implemented changes. You’ll find answers to the questions asked on FootballTeam’s Discord server and in the comments section under the news posts. If you're interested in the further development of FOOTBALLTEAM, we encourage you to read on.

As we’ve been very busy since the last Q&A. We're pleased with our progress, especially considering the summer period. As of the date of writing this news, July 22, 2024, there are 37 issues ready to be introduced into the game. Below, you’ll find the list of tasks that have already been implemented and ideas that will be addressed in the near future.



1/ Planned Works

2/ Summary of changes and news

3/ Rejected ideas

4/ Players’ questions

5/ Server Merger Phase II

6/ Administration questions



⚽ Drinks and their validity period (30 days) – Due to numerous player requests, this change will be implemented at the end of September. From the moment the change is introduced, players will have 30 days to use any unused drinks. This means you have 3 more months to use up your accumulated drinks.

🔸 IMPORTANT: the change does not apply to drinks needed to craft MID and TOP historical items – these drinks will not be covered by the time limit.

⚽ Subscription Change to Season Pass – Some rewards will be available immediately, while others can be claimed through the calendar as you complete tasks.

⚽ Team Invitations – Adding the ability to send team invitations.

⚽ Adding information on the dashboard about the number of basic trainings and Training Centre sessions completed, making it easier to complete daily challenges.

⚽ The Training Bonus will be applied to the current day (instead of the next day, as it is currently).

⚽ Adding a training counter in Team Training.

⚽ Adding an active bonus counter in Team Training, which depends on the number of players participating in the training.

⚽ Team Training will regenerate between 25 to 1200 Energy depending on the building level. The Energy reward will be doubled when using the “Trainings Amount 2x” option.

⚽ Doubling the power of Team Training. At the maximum level, it will be 40 + 350 (previously it was 40 + 175). The 120% bonus (for the presence of 20 players), the 150% bonus (Team Cooperation Drink) and the 2x multiplier will remain unchanged and will multiply the training base as before.

⚽ Adding a button that allows you to skip a turn without casting a card. 

⚽ Declaring an official “beef” with other team. This allows us to enable engagement to the maximum level in any match against that team without losing  health. Moreover, a new bonus of 20% to trained PTS during a match with the conflicted team will be introduced. 

⚽ Introduction of a team board – only team members will be able to read a message from the owner or assistant. 

⚽ Introduction of pop-up polls available in the game.

⚽ Ability to unlock a maximum of two card slots during one season.

⚽ Introduction of event cards – Jail System – at the beginning of the game X cards (e.g. 1, 2 or 3) go to jail, so that we cannot use them in a duel.

⚽ Introducing event cards – Fast Hands – the league duel is shortened to X seconds per turn.  

⚽ Card sounding. Each card will be assigned a unique soundtrack – 1292 recorded sounds.

⚽ Sounding of the card game module. 

⚽ New sound design in various game modules (Work, Cafeteria, Daily Challenges, Seasonal Challenges, etc. – about 1500 recorded sounds). 

⚽Possibility to enchant card slots.  

⚽ New landing page (game homepage). 

⚽ Cards from the EU server – new cards and collections and expansion of current collections.

⚽ Two new slots will be added due to the expansion of the current ones and the appearance of new collections.

⚽  Implementation of Phase II of the Club extension – Adding the CLUB SPA building. 

⚽ Implementation of Phase II of the Club extension – Adding the Marketing Agency building. 

⚽ Implementation of Phase II of the Club extension – Adding the Fan Shop building.

⚽ Implementation of Phase II of the Club extension – Adding the Radio Station building. 

⚽ Implementation of Phase II of the Club extension – Adding the TV Station building.

⚽ Implementation of Phase II of the Club extension – Adding the Science Academy building.

⚽ Implementation of Phase II of the Club extension – Adding the Development Academy building.

⚽ Implementation of Phase II of the Club extension  – Adding the Tactical Academy building.

⚽ Fixing the duel limit regeneration error when the limit is reached.

⚽ Implementation of full translation into Turkish. 

⚽ Initial previews of Global S1 server cards (planned quantity – 84 pieces). 

⚽ Introduction of a limit on the number of stars on an account (125 max.).

⚽ Adding a filter to search for individual rewards in card collections.

⚽ Adding information about whether a player has or has not completed a Daily Calendar Challenge to the club tab.

⚽ Adding team rewards for completing Daily Challenges by all team players on a given day.

⚽ Adding a marker showing rewards received from Daily Challenges.

⚽ Adding the ability to lock an item before sale and marking it as a collector's item.

⚽ Adding information about the current training level per player to the team menu.

⚽ Rewards in Energy for Special Collections will be increased. For example:

🔹Hala Madrid Collection: 40,000 Energy -> 200,000 Energy 

🔹We Love United Collection: 27500 Energy -> 125,000 Energy 

🔹Hala Madrid (Epic) Collection: 5,000 Energy - > 75,000 Energy 

🔹We Love United Collection (Epic): 7500 Energy -> 50,000 Energy 




1. Adding a system of polls displayed in-game (instead of in news or Discord).

2. Adding a rating system in support tickets. You will be able to rate the conversation, along with the option to leave a comment.




✅ A countdown timer for Team Training has been added to the Team Training tab.

✅ A countdown timer marking the start of Team Training has been added to the Team Training tab.  

✅ Signing up for Team Training allows you to complete a daily challenge right away. 

✅ Challenges show progress without the need to click the “Progress” button. 

✅ Added a preview of items in Manufacture. 

✅ SuperLeague temporary golden set and SuperLeague temporary golden items have been removed from the “Everything Matters” achievement.

✅ The number of days of Assistants in the “Everything Matters” achievement has been reduced. 

✅ The Assistants from the 25th day in the Calendar have been removed. 

✅ In all standard item exchange collections (e.g. North America collection), all rewards giving bonuses and Premium Keys have been replaced with Energy rewards. 

✅ The same card can be added to multiple dueling decks. 

✅ The card in the slot can be added to the duel deck.

✅ Exchanging Booster Sets (a collection of 10 Boosters) grants an additional reward of 250 Energy for each exchange. The reward will be doubled if the "2x Reward" option is used for Credits.

✅ The Energy earned per match in the SuperLeague has been increased. From 1 season played, you earn up to 1,000 Energy per match, and up to a maximum of 2,000 Energy per match if you play 6 or more seasons in the SuperLeague.

✅ The Energy per match in League 1 has been increased to 500 (previously 90). The number of Golden Balls has been increased to 150 per match.

✅ The Energy rewards for advancing the whole team to the Champions Tournament have been significantly increased. Reaching the final earns the teams 50,000 Energy in total. Additionally, the winning team receives 30,000 Energy.

🔸 Advancing to the group stage – 5,000 Energy (previously 2,000)

🔸 Advancing to the quarter-finals – 10,000 Energy (previously 2,000)

🔸 Advancing to the semi-finals – 15,000 Energy (previously 3,000)

🔸 Advancing to the final – 20,000 Energy (previously 4,000)

✅ The training thresholds for daily bonuses have been changed. Energy usage thresholds have been assigned to the training thresholds. 



✅ The 7-day reuse time for crafting Green Balls, Wristbands, and Shin Pads has been removed.

✅ The reuse time for crafting drinks has also been removed. The required OVR for producing drinks remains unchanged.

✅ Shin Pads now reduce Euro consumption during automatic training (similar to how the ball reduces Energy consumption). The protection from health loss due to injuries has been removed.

✅ New tiers have been added for the undershirt, which can be obtained from the Team Pack. Enchanting to higher tiers is possible in the Manufacture and works the same as for other items.

🔸 Platinum – base 250

🔸 Diamond – base 475

🔸 Historical Mid – base 905

🔸 Historical Top – base 1650 (unchanged)

✅ Changes in the Top Teams of the Week Pack (Team Pack). The undershirt will now have a Platinum tier (currently it is Historical Top). The undershirt can be enchanted to higher tiers in the Manufacture.

✅ You can now complete the entire calendar using Credits.

✅ Improved OVR display to fit within the hexagon.

✅ Rebalanced Offensive and Defensive Midfielders.

✅ Added an event option for item exchanges.

✅ Added missing translations in the Bonuses section.

✅ Improved descriptions of drinks and items in multiple languages.

✅ A precise information when bets can be placed has been added.

✅ Language variants in messages have been improved.

✅ Errors in news display have been fixed.

✅ Rewards in the TIER HUNTER achievement have been changed.

✅ Numerous language errors in achievements have been fixed.

✅ Notifications have been added during the exchange of Special collections (individual collections). Notifications will be displayed in the Upgrade/Collections tab.

✅ Speciality unlocking has been optimized.

✅ New account restrictions have been added – users cannot become an assistant or team owner.

✅ Numerous language errors have been corrected in the cards module.

✅  Added skill filtering in the player table, such as the one available in the individual player profile.



At this point, we haven’t rejected any ideas from the list of Planned Works. 



🤔 Is it possible to add levels of undershirts? Green (base 50)/Red (base 100)/Gold (base 200)/Platinum (base 400), etc.


We do not plan to add tiers to undershirts. They are special items that will always be obtainable only in Top Teams of the Week, so we don't plan to add the possibility of their manufacturing.

🤔 Can a filter be added when searching for particular rewards in card collections? That would let players easily find a particular reward corresponding to a collection.


Thanks for your suggestion. We will add it to the task list.


🤔 Is it possible to reduce the cost of losing health in the Champions Tournament to the same level as in the European Tournament, so that more teams want to play in it?


At this point, we are not planning to rebalance health. We are currently observing the effect of undershirts on gameplay. In the future, health regeneration will also be possible in a special building. 


🤔 Is it possible to add SJ cards to the game? There is nothing more fair than game journalists having a series of cards. 


Anticipate an exciting event where the community will have the opportunity to choose the FootballTeam legends we've overlooked. At least 12 epic cards will be selected by the players. More details will be available in early August.


🤔 Could you add a table in the club tab that shows which players have and haven’t completed the daily calendar challenge?


Thanks for your suggestion. We will add it to the task list.


🤔 Are there plans to add team rewards for completing daily challenges by all team players on any given day?


We are initially adding this idea to the task list. We will think about the rewards. 


🤔 Is it possible to add the opening of multiplied Card Packs, such as bronze, silver, etc., without the closing animation, only at the end of opening the multiplied pack. Example: we decide to open x3 Card Packs, so the closing animation will appear after 15 cards, not after 5.


We are considering various solutions. We are working on one that would not burden the game server and would satisfy the players. If we find a suitable solution, we will definitely inform you.  


🤔 Is it possible to add a tag showing whether you have completed and collected all the rewards from the daily challenges? Something like this:


Thanks for your suggestion. We will add it to the task list.


🤔 Optimization of the Food/Work module – animation reduction:

🔸change the animation to be displayed only at the beginning for 5-10 seconds.

🔸animation will be active only when hovering over specific food/work.

🔸Less idle animation and less consumption of computer/phone power.


We are constantly working on optimizing all modules in the game, thank you for your feedback. We will pay attention to it. 


🤔 Is it possible to add Buy – Offers option for some items:






We have been thinking about adding a “buy” option for a long time, but it is very problematic and puts a heavy load on the servers. Therefore, at this point we do not have a clear answer to this question. 


🤔 We suggest adding trick duels for teams. This would keep many people motivated to play in this mode and would give every team a chance to win, since not only cards but also skill count in this module.


Thank you for your feedback. We will add this idea to the task list.


🤔 Is it possible to to the team menu information about the current training level per player?

🔸lomax20001 – 8800 trainings

🔸Lomax20001 B – 1200 trainings, etc.

Brilliant idea. We will add it to the task list. 

🤯Several proposals from player Messive:

🔸"Are you planning to add a button to skip the animation in opening card packs?"

We are considering this option.

🔸“Conquer the League”.  – Qualify with the club X times to SL.  New club achievements.

It is possible that we will add such an achievement in the season mode or as a one-time achievement. 

🔸"Card reroll system: The ability to reload a card's stats once we have it. "

We are considering this option.


We are continuing work on the creation of the Legacy server. It will be created from a combination of three servers – Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Europe. The Legacy server will be our main server and will never be closed. We will merge other servers with it if necessary. 


👉 The time of the Legacy server will be set to GMT +2. 

👉 Support, news, and notifications of the server will be available in Polish, English, Spanish, Russian and Portuguese. 

👉 The server will retain its standard settings. 


We are currently after the first phase of server merging. It is time for Phase II – on Monday, August 26, we will merge the EU East server with Legacy L1. Thus, there will be a Legacy server. We encourage you to prepare now for the server merger. Expect detailed information in the coming days. 




💎 What cosmetic change would improve your everyday gameplay?

💎 Which cards are your favorites?


Thank You!

Thank you for your participation in the Q&A and numerous suggestions. We are carefully analyzing all the comments and ideas we receive in order to create the best solutions for FootballTeam as a community.


We encourage you to continue sharing your opinions and questions, which will certainly be included in the August Q&A. 



FootballTeam Administration


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2 months ago
Uma pergunta: Quando irão tirar os pacotes de energia dos duelos ? gastamos dinheiro comprando cartas , subindo os níveis das cartas e receber como premio por ganhar um duelo pacote de energia . e isso várias vezes ao dia. tem vez que são 5 pacotes energicos em seguida . um absurdo isso
2 months ago
Może wprowadzicie system Man of the Match, który by dawał dodatkowy bonus 10% umiejętności na następny mecz ? Oczywiście wtedy trzeba by było wprowadzić system ocen graczy tak jak w prawdziwych meczach, no ale myśle że jest to do ogarnięcia :)
2 months ago
ciekawa opcja
2 months ago
130.976 energy for 50% training bonus and you get 1440 daily plus 975-2.975 (3.900-11.900 with current meal bonuses) from meals. So you have to buy 119.076 energy at best, let's assume you get 14.076 from achievements and other daily sources that leaves us with. 105.000. If we take the EUR per energy from the most expensive Energy package(it's the best EUR per energy) that's 30.435 credits. With the EUR per Credit from the most expensive Credit package(it's the best EUR per credit) that gets us 275,04 EUR PER DAY. The 33% bonus takes 17.392 energy so pretty much everyone will have 33% bonus and the ones with money will have 50%. If you want to have 50% every day that's 8251,2 EUR per month. If you do it for 3 important matches it's 825,12 EUR. This is the most P2W game in existence. Don't you do the math yourselves before doing these things ???
2 months ago
Zmiany na - ale czego się spodziewać.. Ciekawe ile osób skończy gre, ja na pewno
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
🏎️💥💥💥💨💨💨‼️‼️‼️ VRUMMMMM
2 months ago
No dobra a co gdy mecz ligowy będę miał o 15;30 a treningi mogę dopiero poprowadzić wieczorem jak będę dostępny... jestem stratny bo teraz przynajmniej wytrenowanie przechodzi na drugi dzień
2 months ago
Super zmiany, pozdro ❤️
2 months ago
Nadal nie wiem co dodał rebalans pozycji cdm i cam
2 months ago
Podbijam, bo też mnie ciekawi a nic nie wiadomo :)
2 months ago
Jaki jest wkońcu ten rebalans między CDM a CAM?
2 months ago
Jak czujecie się z tym że serwer legacy wolniej działa niż internet explorer?Naprawde lagi nie miłosierne
2 months ago
troche lagów jest, nie powiem że nie.
2 months ago
2 months ago
Trening – Bonus Treningowy będzie naliczany na obecny dzień (a nie na jutrzejszy, jak jest obecnie). 99 % graczy NIE CHCE tego. Ale zobaczymy jak wy zrobicie.
2 months ago
Jeden z głupszych pomysłów jak do tej pory
2 months ago
Super zmiany, pozdrawiam serdecznie oby tak dalej
2 months ago
Podríamos cambiar de adm?
2 months ago
Może w pojedynkach na karty dodacie, żeby nikt nie wiedział z kim gra? aktualnie wystarczy rozpisać kogoś karty i wiesz dokładnie co zagrać. A grając na kogoś kogo nie znamy nicku tylko dowiadujemy się dopiero po pojedynku fajnie by to urozmaiciło grę :D
2 months ago
Akurat jeśli chodzi o Twoje karty to nawet za 2 lata nikt nie będzie miał podobnych do Twoich ;D
2 months ago
Czyli drinki w centrum szkoleniowym też odpadają w październiku tak?
2 months ago
Ktoś z administracji zagląda do zgłoszeń -> Inne ? Czekam już 2 dzień na odpowiedź :(
2 months ago
Tak Patrzymy :) To jest jedna zakładka , tylko label sie zmienia :P
2 months ago
Zmieńcie te drinki i boost treningowy po 14k treningów bo wysypie się większość graczy, a szczególnie ci którzy nie są fest płatnikami lub grają tylko F2P i nie mają bonusu 50/200% bo nabicie bez tego 14k treningów to są tysiące energii różnicy. Aż odechciewa się grać po tej zmianie.
2 months ago
Mudança na abertura de pacotes de cartas.... ao invés dessa que consome memoria , colocar uma similar a abertura das coleções , em carrossel , ai a carta seria escolhida no módulo Minha carta favorita é a Peskin
2 months ago
Czy wy dodacie do gry cokolwiek co zachęci do gry a nie na odwrót? :D
2 months ago
Когда ру и Легаси обьединят
2 months ago
Написано же, 26 августа
2 months ago
Kiedy dostępne będą nowe karty?
2 months ago
Na wrzesień + -
2 months ago
którego roku?
2 months ago

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