

It’s time for the March edition of the Team Games! Get ready for intense training because this time, the stakes are higher than ever—the prize pool is seriously impressive! In this edition, three teams will earn special distinctions, making the competition more thrilling than ever.

What rewards await the top teams, and what milestones do you need to reach to claim them? Here are the details!



Event Duration: March 17 until the technical break on March 23 (7 days).

⚽ In addition to the standard Top Teams of the Week rewards, teams in the Team Games will receive extra resources.

⚽ If a team completes 15 million training sessions in a week in the Top Teams of the Week competition, every player in that team will receive the resource rewards shown in the image below. All general reward items will be locked.

⚽ Additionally, the Top 3 teams in the Team Games will receive special rewards. Every player from these teams will earn 10,000 Fame Points, 3 Golden Crystals of Success (locked), 2 Platinum Crystals of Success (locked), and 1 Historical Crystal of Success (locked). 

⚽ Rewards will only be granted to players who were club members before the event started. Anyone who joins a club during or after the event will not receive rewards. Likewise, players who leave their club during the event will not be rewarded—you must stay in your club until the event ends.

⚽ Rewards will be available in the Shop as a Special Bundle. Players will have 3 days to claim it after it is awarded.

⚽During the Team Games, an event option will be available: the possibility to train four skills simultaneously.



Want to boost your training and gain an edge over your rivals in the race for rewards? We’ve got something special for you!

Throughout the event, exclusive Special Bundles packed with valuable resources will be available in the Shop. These include Energy, Younger Packs, Millionaire Drinks, and XP Drinks—everything you need to take your training to the next level.

Don’t wait—visit the Shop, grab your extra boosts, and outpace the competition!



On March 24, the current editions of the Augmentation Pack, Training Pack, Crafter Pack, and Enchanter Pack will disappear from FootballTeam—this is your last chance to make use of them! Check your inventory, open all your saved packs, and maximize their potential before they are gone for good. Don’t wait until the last moment—strengthen your player while you still can!

Just like with the Energetic Pack, new versions of these packs will arrive in FootballTeam on the same day after a short technical break, offering even more exciting rewards.



But that’s not all! On March 24, the brand-new Workaholic Pack will make its debut in FootballTeam, designed for players who want to make the most of their time and resources. Inside, you’ll find massive Energy boosts, solid Euro injections, and the powerful Millionaire Drink VII, which can significantly accelerate your progress.

The Workaholic Pack will be available in the Shop for Credits (2 per month) for players with a Season Pass. Take advantage of this opportunity to intensify your training, gain an edge over your rivals, and climb the rankings faster!



Good luck in the Team Games!
FootballTeam Crew ⚽

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4 hours ago
Z tymi nagrodami to nie przesadzacie trochę? W głowie nam się poprzewraca od takiego przypływu zasobów za przepalenie milionów energii 😂
8 hours ago
Więcej treningów dajcie było 9, 12 już 15 za takie g***o nagrody, zaraz dacie 20 mln trenningu i w kant **** nas bodnijcie. Złodzieje. Ps. Nikt nie chcę łączenia speeda z legacy, po co odpuściłem jeden serwer żeby znowu na nim grać.
8 hours ago
All unpleasant... Pointless awards... You spend more resources than you benefit from. 👎👎👎
9 hours ago
Witam. Błąd się Wam wkradł. W tekście dla Top3 jest napisane 2platyny, a na grafice jest jedna. Jak to interpretować?
2 hours ago
Chyba łącznie tyle wychodzi
11 hours ago
Słabe nagrody
12 hours ago
jak będzie z eventami? To co jest teraz, czy dorzucicie coś? (np. redukcje energii/euro) na grafice z planem na miesiąc niby miało być a w temacie cisza, jedynie jest wzmianka o 4 treningach jednocześnie.
12 hours ago
czemu nerf nagród? w każdych igrzyskach z kryształami były po 3 sztuki każdego koloru, a tutaj po jednym
4 hours ago
te kryształy i tak niepotrzebne praktycznie, stworzyli niegrywalny system i teraz na siłe starają się wszedzie wciskać te kryształy jakby to byla niewiadomo jaka nagroda
12 hours ago
Nagrody troche ubogie za te igrzyska. :(

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